Download Dash 1.3:

With this release, we wanted to push your scenes to the next level. Let’s dive into how we’re making that happen!

Setting the Mood with Volumetric Fog

We took the exponential height fog of Unreal Engine and offered it to you in a simple prompt call, after which you have a view of only the properties that matter to you. This is the first in many steps towards better atmospheric effects in Dash.


Brand New Cinematic Camera!

We’ve revamped our camera from the ground up, and it’s now a custom blueprint that features lens distortions, color correction, easier access to color grading shuffling, object outline and so much more!


Texture Anything with the Triplanar Material

Triplanar materials can use your regular input textures, and when applied to an object, will remove any tiling issues. Typically, they tend to be quite expensive, and we’ve built this one to be quite cheap, with further optimizations already in the works.


New Water Material

We took our existing water material and rewrote it from the ground up to give you more a realistic look. We’ve got a couple of changes in the works for this one already, so stay tuned for more!